W4: Dear mom & dad…

Yeo Ya Qi (1901604)

I can never thank you enough...

(Anonymous, 2013)

Dear mom & dad,

Thank you for the awesome parenting.

Do you know that when it comes to parenting, both of you are one-of-a-kind? While other parents are being very strict and often intervening in their children's lives in the name of love, you never set restraints on our decisions and choices, allowing us to take complete control of our lives. Others might think that I have irresponsible and unloving parents, but I know that I'm in good hands. When I make mistakes, instead of scolding me into submission, both of you always give me insightful talks and this gave me the opportunity for self-reflection. When I experience failure and feel low-spirited, your comforting words and morale-boosting actions mitigated the negativity and rejuvenated me. When I feel belittled, your words of affirmation and encouragement help me to regain my confidence. You never demand us to follow your lead, you encourage us to discover our own paths and live our best lives.

Thank you for all the sacrifices.

The process of raising an occasionally rebellious child like me wasn't easy.
The thought of this always makes me wonder, how much effort and sacrifice it takes to raise all four of us?
I used to be a self-centred person and all I care about is my own welfare.
From my perspective, I used to think that I'm the most neglected child and I blamed you for giving birth to me. 
I never put myself in your shoes and view from your perspective. 
Just because I am egocentric and ignorant, I overlooked the love and care you poured on me. 
You gave me almost everything I have asked for and expect nothing in return. 
It takes me years to realize that my absurd behaviour is rooted in your undivided and unconditional love. 

What kind of fool I am to ask for more when I already have it all? 
From that onwards, I always tell myself to appreciate the small little things that are given to me and to understand that no one is obligated to be nice to anyone.
Through this, I am finally able to accept and cherish the love you gave and the sacrifices you made.

Thank you for always being there.

There are heart-breaking moments where we have emotional arguments and there are also joyous moments where we spend good times together.
Although I am blemished with all the imperfections, you never turned your back on me.
You embraced all my flaws and accept me as who I am.
I may not be the perfect child you wished to have but I hope to become one in the future.
I promise to work on all my flaws and to make your support worthwhile.


Your daughter



Anonymous. (2013). Mom and Dad cartoon [Photograph].

Deviant Art. https://www.deviantart.com/misslunahost/art/Mom-and-Dad-cartoon-422159133


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